Remote services access supports insurers

To support insurers who may be experiencing problems through their car body repairer network, and help them continue to function during these very difficult times, TEC Group is offering access to its unique suite of remote services for self-deploying out and image capturing, estimating and engineering – which are all available on a remote basis with very easy set-up.

TEC Group’s remote resources include:

Image assist – a tool that a handler can self-deploy to get images of accident damage, allowing you to estimate, engineer or at the very least triage – for example straight to salvage etc.`

Remote estimating – TEC Group can provide resource to estimate remotely if your network or your engineers are under resourced, via Audatex or GT Motive.

Engineering – in line with your menu pricing.

Please call us if you want to discuss these resources which we believe could help keep some semblance of normality in these very difficult times.