4 more mountains takes Charles to his climbing summit

With yet another four of the UK’s highest peaks successfully conquered, TEC’s CEO Charles finally reaches his Ten Peaks Charity Challenge summit – a super-human achievement that he hopes will help raise funds to support families who have a child with a serious illness.

These latest four climbs have taken Charles’ combined vertical distance over all ten climbs to over 11,000m, which is one and a half times the height of Mt Everest! ‘Conditions for the last four climbs were pretty challenging with snow on some the highest peaks. The views do showcase the natural beauty and diversity of our great country – something we don’t fully appreciate from ground level. But above all, knowing that all that effort is contributing to helping others less fortunate makes it all worthwhile.’

While Charles has reached his ten peaks climbing target, he hopes that his sponsorship towards the I Love Claims Charity Rainbow Trust’s fund’s £1 million target, will continue climbing. Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity provides bespoke support for families who have a child with a serious illness, offering the whole family support, regardless of diagnosis and are there for as long as a family has needs. www.rainbowtrust.org.uk

To add your support please visit the Charles’ Ten Peaks Charity Challenge Just Giving page www.justgiving.com/fundraising/tec-group-ilc-rainbowtrust